Thursday, January 17, 2008

a ponytail bobs left to right to left

someone stops for water, someone else to stretch, others take in the view - perhaps the reward for their efforts

music is everywhere, but none can be heard

a tiny dog barks as it tugs at its leash with 4-inch long legs

it sounds like its own squeaky toy

a chilly breeze blows

not even the sunlight is warm as it filters through branches

the din of tires on pavement in the distance is the only sound save for the wind

no one stops on the other side, only here

birds drift aimlessly

one plunges down, becoming nothing more than a ripple and bubbles

a loud train whistle blows

the cars stretch on endlessly behind it, almost touching both ends of the horizon

a pair of ducks land

their wings hit the water in rapid succession, making tiny splashes like bullets

sounds of construction can now be heard over the hum of the tires, but all of the cranes in sight are dormant

the bridge fills as traffic stagnates, then empties

soft pops can be heard as tires cross expansion joints

towers with dark windows loom on the horizon

lights click on as passersby grow infrequent

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